
Their goal is high-quality jewelry with a focus on social and ecological sustainability. Through collaboration with Swiss suppliers certified workshops, and support for individuals with special needs, they create connections and emotional pieces of jewelry that carry and tell memories.

A female-focused e-shop that sells unique jewelry with a thought in mind is a place for women who seek unusual and personal jewelry. This e-shop offers a wide range of unique jewelry made with a thought and exceptional design, allowing customers to find a jewelry that perfectly embodies their personality and style.

This luxury perfume brand is based on the principle that perfume should be more than just a scented water, but an xperience  that can dazzle and revive the senses. The brand focuses on creating fragrances that are elegant, sophisticated, and unique.

Very talented makeup artist who offers a variety of advanced cosmetic services for hair and skin. Her main focus is to provide clients with the best-in-class treatments in the field of beauty, using modern equipment and high-class products to deliver unique, flawless results that make them feel confident and look their best.

©2023 All rights reserved | Created by Lea Medvedzová & Sima Miller

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